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League for Animal Welfare

Founded in 1949, League for Animal Welfare is a privately funded, non-profit organization providing much-needed care for unwanted, lost and neglected cats and dogs in our community. As the oldest and one of the largest no-kill shelters in the area, the League serves the Greater Cincinnati area through initiatives to reduce the number of homeless animals and to help people better care for their pets. With the support of our dedicated staff, volunteers, foster families and friends, the League provides medical and behavioral care for more than 1,500 cats and dogs we find loving homes for each year. In addition to our sheltering services, the League also addresses the root causes of companion animal homelessness through assistance to local pet owners, including our pet food pantry; spay/neuter voucher program; vaccine clinics; and veterinary assistance program.
Official HP
Online Shop
Address 4193 TAYLOR ROAD BATAVIA, OH 45103
TEL 513-735-2299
KEYWORDS Animal protection,
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