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The International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC)

Section A
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Division 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities
014 Animal production
0145 تربية اخلنازير
0145 猪的饲养
0145 Raising of swine/pigs
0145 Élevage de porcins
0145 養豚業
0145 Разведение свиней
0145 Cría de cerdos

Section C
Division 11 Manufacture of beverages
1102 Manufacture of wines
ساكي - 1102ُ صنع األنبذة
清酒 - 1102 葡萄酒的制造
Sake Japanese rice wine - 1102 Manufacture of wines
Saké - 1102 Fabrication de vins
日本酒 - 1102 ワイン製造業
Сакэ - 1102 Производство вин
Sake - 1102 Elaboración de vinos
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