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Nature's Harmony Farm

Nature’s Harmony Farm is owned and established by Greg and Marjorie Rockefeller. This is a farmers market wherein all products that are being sold are fresh and organic. Greg and Marjorie get their products straight from their farm which is just outside of Tempe. Every day, new farm products are being delivered to ensure that every product the customer would buy from them is fresh. They are very strict in monitoring the quality of the products they are going to sell. Every product is especially hand-picked. What products do not pass the quality assurance test would be transformed into other goods such as jams and pickles. If they are still not appropriate for these processed foods, they are being donated to the nearby foundation. Nevertheless, every product here has their role in the market.
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Address 1984 Bakers Ferry RdElberton, GA 30635 USA
KEYWORDS manufacturing,
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